19/2/2025 - EUROPEAN UNION: ABBA's legal victory in an Intellectual Property case
17/2/2025 - EUROPEAN UNION: SME Fund 2025: protect your intangible assets
13/2/2025 - FEBRUARY 13, WORLD RADIO DAY: Copyright in radio programs: what do you need to know?
12/2/2025 - EUROPEAN UNION: EPO Decision T56/21 concerning the amendment of the description of European patent applications
3/2/2025 - FEBRUARY 3, INTERNATIONAL LAWYER'S DAY: The Importance of Intellectual Property Lawyers
28/1/2025 - EUROPEAN UNION: Directive (EU) 2024/825: one year of progress towards ethical consumption
24/1/2025 - January 24, World Day for African Culture: Strategies for the Prevention of Cultural Appropriation through Intellectual Property
22/1/2025 - EUROPEAN UNION: Opening of the application period for grants to protect Intellectual Property rights
21/1/2025 - EUROPEAN UNION: The European Design Awards: the most anticipated event of 2025
20/1/2025 - WIPO: Uzbekistan Joins The Hague System
16/1/2025 - BRAZIL : New Sanitary Guidelines for Tobacco Packaging
14/1/2025 - BRAZIL : IP in Brazil: 2024 year in review
9/1/2025 - EUROPEAN UNION: The importance of a registered trademark - Carolina Herrera Case
30/12/2024 - BRAZIL: BRPTO establishes new criteria for PPH requests in 2025
19/12/2024 - EUROPEAN UNION: EUIPO Strategic Plan 2025: A vision for the future of Intellectual Property in Europe
17/12/2024 - WIPO: The resilience of innovation: Analysis of the World Intellectual Property Indicators Report 2023
11/12/2024 - BRAZIL: BRPTO Joins GPPH: Phase V of the PPH Pilot Project to begin in 2025
28/11/2024 - EUROPEAN UNION: Amendments to the European Design Regulations
5/11/2024 - BRAZIL: Brazilian PTO will accept trademark applications including advertising elements
2/10/2024 - WIPO: WIPO publishes its Global Innovation Index (GII): Key takeaways
22/8/2024 - BRAZIL: BRPTO updates the rules for the registration of trademarks of names of individuals or signatures thereof and images of third parties
30/8/2024 - BRAZIL: Brazilian Legislation regarding Compliance with Access to Genetic Heritage
27/8/2024 - ARGENTINA: Argentine PTO will request the status of the priority claimed in patent applications
23/7/2024 - SPAIN: SPTO in figures 2023
17/7/2024 - BRAZIL: BRAZIL: BRPTO reaches its annual limit for PPH applications
10/7/2024 - BRAZIL: Brazilian PTO joins Global Patent Prosecution Highway (GPPH)
27/6/2024 - WIPO: New Treaty on genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge
25/6/2024 - BRAZIL: BRPTO launches new platform to fight trademark counterfeiting
18/6/2024 - EUROPE: Sports Piracy and Counterfeiting this summer
13/6/2024 - EUROPE: Financial Times publishes 2024 ranking of Europe's Leading Patent Law Firms
12/6/2024 - URUGUAY: Accession to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
30/5/2024 - BRAZIL: BRPTO publishes a technical note on industrial design examination procedures
28/5/2024 - MEXICO: The Ongoing Challenges in the Implementation of Mexico's Intellectual Property Law: Divisional patent applications originating from another divisional application
14/5/2024 - UNGRIA: Five-year strategic and development plan, April 2024
8/5/2024 - EUROPE: New Artificial Intelligence Regulation
26/4/2024 - WIPO: World Intellectual Property Day
20/2/2024 - UNGRIA: World Trademark Review (WTR)
18/4/2024 - BRAZIL: BRPTO extends the deadline suspension for filing divisional design applications
2/4/2024 - EUROPE: The European Patent Office (EPO) publishes the Patent Index 2023 report
28/3/2024 - BRAZIL: BRPTO updates its guidelines for filing patent appeals
1/3/2024 - EUIPO: Balancing Practicality with Good Faith
27/2/2024 - EUIPO: Economic impact of counterfeiting in the clothing, cosmetics, and toy sectors in the EU
29/2/2024 - CHINA: Amendments to the Rules for the Implementation of the Patent Law
27/3/2024 - BRAZIL: BRPTO updates its guidelines for filing patent appeals
28/2/2024 - EUROPE: Headquarters Agreement signed between Italy and Unified Patent Court
26/2/2024 - EUROPE: New fee reduction scheme specifically for micro-entities
15/2/2024 - EU: New call for aplications for the Ideas Powered for Business SME fund
4/4/2024 - EUROPE: Amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the EUIPO’s Boards of Appeal
7/3/2024 - BRAZIL: BRPTO implements new rules on amendments to patent applications during the appeal stage
14/12/2023 - BRAZIL: BRPTO implements new changes to accelerate patent decisions
28/11/2023 - USPTO-MEXICO: New Accelerated Patent Grant (APG) program enhances opportunities for U.S. entities
10/7/2023 - BRAZIL: Joins the Hague System
15/6/2023 - US: The Supreme Court rules for Jack Daniel's against a Dog Toy resembling their famous Whiskey Bottle
8/6/2023 - ARGENTINA: Possibility of requesting partial revocation of trademark registrations
24/5/2023 - EU: The end of the “Sunrise Period”
18/5/2023 - BRAZIL: Patentability requirements for inventions related to transgenic plants
8/12/2022 - EU: Unitary Patent and Unified Patent Court
24/11/2021 - ARGENTINA: Cannabidiol ingredient authorized for cosmetics, products for personal hygiene and perfumes
16/11/2021 - BRAZIL: The good-faith prior use exception to Brazil’s first-to-file rule
31/8/2021 - BRAZIL: End of ANVISA´s prior consent for pharmaceutical patents
26/5/2021 - BRAZIL: BRPTO published the First official list of Patents affected by the Supreme Court Decision
5/4/2021 - BRAZIL: BRPTO issues a new Ordinance regarding Preliminary Examination procedures
18/3/2021 - EU: EPO: Enlarged Board of Appeal issues a decision on computer-implemented simulations
3/3/2021 - USA-Mexico: USPTO and IMPI launch a new agreement called “Parallel Patent Grant (PPG)”
2/12/2020 - BRAZIL: New Guidelines for Examination of Biotechnology Patent Applications
30/11/2020 - EU: Important decision of the CJEU about the concept of
25/11/2020 - ARGENTINA: Resumption of INPI´s deadlines
25/11/2020 - BRAZIL: ANVISA publishes Guidelines regarding the examination and prior consent of patent applications for pharmaceutical products and processes
28/7/2020 - BRAZIL: Patent decisions grow and backlog falls in the first semester of 2020
14/7/2020 - MEXICO: New Intellectual Property Law
2/7/2020 - BRAZIL: Fast-track examination for Patent applications
11/6/2020 - MEXICO: Accession to the Hague System
25/5/2020 - SPAIN: Resumption of deadlines
8/4/2020 - BRAZIL: Amendments to Brazilian Law to request expedited examination of patent applications
3/4/2020 - BRAZIL: Patent Prosecution Highway between BRPTO and KIPO (Pilot)
24/3/2020 - MEXICO: IMPI´s measures regarding COVID-19 outbreak
24/3/2020 - SPAIN, EU and LATAM: Main legislative IP developments 2019/20
20/3/2020 - EU: German Constitutional Court publishes decision on UPC
18/3/2020 - ARGENTINA: INPI´s measures regarding COVID-19 outbreak
18/3/2020 - BRAZIL: INPI´s measures regarding COVID-19 outbreak
15/3/2020 - SPAIN: UNGRIA´s commitment in relation to incidents derived from Coronavirus
6/2/2020 - MEXICO: Exemption of the regulatory approval for imported drugs
15/1/2020 - EU: The General Court dismisses the resolution issued by the EUIPO´s Board of Appeal in the case "Gres Aragón"
27/12/2019 - BRAZIL: Entry into force of a new Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) Pilot Project
17/12/2019 - FRANCE: Reform of the Trademark Law by means of Decree No. 2019-1316 of December 9th, 2019
3/12/2019 - EU: Interpretation of EU Regulation 6/2002
30/10/2019 - ARGENTINA: New administrative procedures: Nullity and Cancellation of trademarks registrations
27/6/2019 - LATAM: UNGRIA opens three new own offices in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico.
30/5/2019 - BRAZIL: Implementation of Madrid Protocol and recent patent developments
23/4/2019 - ARGENTINA, BRAZIL and MEXICO: IP News March- April 2019
13/3/2019 - SPAIN: Entry into force of Law 1/2019, of February 20, on Trade Secrets
7/3/2019 - SPAIN, EU and LATAM: Main legislative IP developments 2018/19
21/12/2018 - SPAIN: Amendments to the current Trademark Law
4/10/2018 - MEXICO: Summary of recent amendments regarding trademark applications.
18/4/2018 - SPAIN, EU and LATAM: IP Developments in Spain, EU and LATAM 2017/18
9/2/2018 - ARGENTINA: New Government Decree that modifies the prosecution of trademarks, patents and designs.
4/12/2017 - INDONESIA and THAILAND: Join Madrid Protocol.
10/10/2017 - BRAZIL: Addressing main challenges in patent prosecution
1/1/2017 - SPAIN and LATIN AMERICA: Year in Review - Perspectives for 2017 Spain and Latin America
1/8/2017 - ARGENTINA: Increase of official fees
4/5/2017 - JAPAN: PPH programs with Argentina, Brazil and Taiwan.
31/1/2017 - VENEZUELA: Ratification of Upcoming Proceedings
17/10/2016 - NEW ZEALAND: New Zealand divisional filing practice warning.
17/5/2016 - BRAZIL: The Brazilian PTO strengthens its position against ANVISA's issuance of opinions.
14/2/2016 - JAPAN: Lowered fees for trademark registrations and renewals.
16/11/2015 - ALGERIA: Joins the Madrid Protocol.
30/7/2015 - LEBANON: New Requirement for Powers of Attorney.
17/4/2015 - JAPAN: Withdrawal of Notifications of Incompatibility of Certain PCT Rules with National Laws.