19/2/2025 - EUROPEAN UNION: ABBA's legal victory in an Intellectual Property case
17/2/2025 - EUROPEAN UNION: SME Fund 2025: protect your intangible assets
13/2/2025 - FEBRUARY 13, WORLD RADIO DAY: Copyright in radio programs: what do you need to know?
12/2/2025 - EUROPEAN UNION: EPO Decision T56/21 concerning the amendment of the description of European patent applications
3/2/2025 - FEBRUARY 3, INTERNATIONAL LAWYER'S DAY: The Importance of Intellectual Property Lawyers
28/1/2025 - EUROPEAN UNION: Directive (EU) 2024/825: one year of progress towards ethical consumption
24/1/2025 - January 24, World Day for African Culture: Strategies for the Prevention of Cultural Appropriation through Intellectual Property
22/1/2025 - EUROPEAN UNION: Opening of the application period for grants to protect Intellectual Property rights
21/1/2025 - EUROPEAN UNION: The European Design Awards: the most anticipated event of 2025
20/1/2025 - WIPO: Uzbekistan Joins The Hague System
16/1/2025 - BRAZIL : New Sanitary Guidelines for Tobacco Packaging
14/1/2025 - BRAZIL : IP in Brazil: 2024 year in review
9/1/2025 - EUROPEAN UNION: The importance of a registered trademark - Carolina Herrera Case
30/12/2024 - BRAZIL: BRPTO establishes new criteria for PPH requests in 2025
19/12/2024 - EUROPEAN UNION: EUIPO Strategic Plan 2025: A vision for the future of Intellectual Property in Europe
17/12/2024 - WIPO: The resilience of innovation: Analysis of the World Intellectual Property Indicators Report 2023
11/12/2024 - BRAZIL: BRPTO Joins GPPH: Phase V of the PPH Pilot Project to begin in 2025
28/11/2024 - EUROPEAN UNION: Amendments to the European Design Regulations
5/11/2024 - BRAZIL: Brazilian PTO will accept trademark applications including advertising elements
2/10/2024 - WIPO: WIPO publishes its Global Innovation Index (GII): Key takeaways
22/8/2024 - BRAZIL: BRPTO updates the rules for the registration of trademarks of names of individuals or signatures thereof and images of third parties
30/8/2024 - BRAZIL: Brazilian Legislation regarding Compliance with Access to Genetic Heritage
27/8/2024 - ARGENTINA: Argentine PTO will request the status of the priority claimed in patent applications
23/7/2024 - SPAIN: SPTO in figures 2023
17/7/2024 - BRAZIL: BRAZIL: BRPTO reaches its annual limit for PPH applications
10/7/2024 - BRAZIL: Brazilian PTO joins Global Patent Prosecution Highway (GPPH)
27/6/2024 - WIPO: New Treaty on genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge
25/6/2024 - BRAZIL: BRPTO launches new platform to fight trademark counterfeiting
18/6/2024 - EUROPE: Sports Piracy and Counterfeiting this summer
13/6/2024 - EUROPE: Financial Times publishes 2024 ranking of Europe's Leading Patent Law Firms
12/6/2024 - URUGUAY: Accession to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
30/5/2024 - BRAZIL: BRPTO publishes a technical note on industrial design examination procedures
28/5/2024 - MEXICO: The Ongoing Challenges in the Implementation of Mexico's Intellectual Property Law: Divisional patent applications originating from another divisional application
14/5/2024 - UNGRIA: Five-year strategic and development plan, April 2024
8/5/2024 - EUROPE: New Artificial Intelligence Regulation
26/4/2024 - WIPO: World Intellectual Property Day
20/2/2024 - UNGRIA: World Trademark Review (WTR)
18/4/2024 - BRAZIL: BRPTO extends the deadline suspension for filing divisional design applications
2/4/2024 - EUROPE: The European Patent Office (EPO) publishes the Patent Index 2023 report
28/3/2024 - BRAZIL: BRPTO updates its guidelines for filing patent appeals
1/3/2024 - EUIPO: Balancing Practicality with Good Faith
27/2/2024 - EUIPO: Economic impact of counterfeiting in the clothing, cosmetics, and toy sectors in the EU
29/2/2024 - CHINA: Amendments to the Rules for the Implementation of the Patent Law
27/3/2024 - BRAZIL: BRPTO updates its guidelines for filing patent appeals
28/2/2024 - EUROPE: Headquarters Agreement signed between Italy and Unified Patent Court
26/2/2024 - EUROPE: New fee reduction scheme specifically for micro-entities
15/2/2024 - EU: New call for aplications for the Ideas Powered for Business SME fund
4/4/2024 - EUROPE: Amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the EUIPO’s Boards of Appeal
7/3/2024 - BRAZIL: BRPTO implements new rules on amendments to patent applications during the appeal stage
14/12/2023 - BRAZIL: BRPTO implements new changes to accelerate patent decisions
28/11/2023 - USPTO-MEXICO: New Accelerated Patent Grant (APG) program enhances opportunities for U.S. entities
10/7/2023 - BRAZIL: Joins the Hague System
15/6/2023 - US: The Supreme Court rules for Jack Daniel's against a Dog Toy resembling their famous Whiskey Bottle
8/6/2023 - ARGENTINA: Possibility of requesting partial revocation of trademark registrations
24/5/2023 - EU: The end of the “Sunrise Period”
18/5/2023 - BRAZIL: Patentability requirements for inventions related to transgenic plants
8/12/2022 - EU: Unitary Patent and Unified Patent Court
24/11/2021 - ARGENTINA: Cannabidiol ingredient authorized for cosmetics, products for personal hygiene and perfumes
16/11/2021 - BRAZIL: The good-faith prior use exception to Brazil’s first-to-file rule
31/8/2021 - BRAZIL: End of ANVISA´s prior consent for pharmaceutical patents
26/5/2021 - BRAZIL: BRPTO published the First official list of Patents affected by the Supreme Court Decision
5/4/2021 - BRAZIL: BRPTO issues a new Ordinance regarding Preliminary Examination procedures
18/3/2021 - EU: EPO: Enlarged Board of Appeal issues a decision on computer-implemented simulations
3/3/2021 - USA-Mexico: USPTO and IMPI launch a new agreement called “Parallel Patent Grant (PPG)”
2/12/2020 - BRAZIL: New Guidelines for Examination of Biotechnology Patent Applications
30/11/2020 - EU: Important decision of the CJEU about the concept of
25/11/2020 - ARGENTINA: Resumption of INPI´s deadlines
25/11/2020 - BRAZIL: ANVISA publishes Guidelines regarding the examination and prior consent of patent applications for pharmaceutical products and processes
28/7/2020 - BRAZIL: Patent decisions grow and backlog falls in the first semester of 2020
14/7/2020 - MEXICO: New Intellectual Property Law
2/7/2020 - BRAZIL: Fast-track examination for Patent applications
11/6/2020 - MEXICO: Accession to the Hague System
25/5/2020 - SPAIN: Resumption of deadlines
8/4/2020 - BRAZIL: Amendments to Brazilian Law to request expedited examination of patent applications
3/4/2020 - BRAZIL: Patent Prosecution Highway between BRPTO and KIPO (Pilot)
24/3/2020 - MEXICO: IMPI´s measures regarding COVID-19 outbreak
24/3/2020 - SPAIN, EU and LATAM: Main legislative IP developments 2019/20
20/3/2020 - EU: German Constitutional Court publishes decision on UPC
18/3/2020 - ARGENTINA: INPI´s measures regarding COVID-19 outbreak
18/3/2020 - BRAZIL: INPI´s measures regarding COVID-19 outbreak
15/3/2020 - SPAIN: UNGRIA´s commitment in relation to incidents derived from Coronavirus
6/2/2020 - MEXICO: Exemption of the regulatory approval for imported drugs
15/1/2020 - EU: The General Court dismisses the resolution issued by the EUIPO´s Board of Appeal in the case "Gres Aragón"
27/12/2019 - BRAZIL: Entry into force of a new Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) Pilot Project
17/12/2019 - FRANCE: Reform of the Trademark Law by means of Decree No. 2019-1316 of December 9th, 2019
3/12/2019 - EU: Interpretation of EU Regulation 6/2002
30/10/2019 - ARGENTINA: New administrative procedures: Nullity and Cancellation of trademarks registrations
27/6/2019 - LATAM: UNGRIA opens three new own offices in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico.
30/5/2019 - BRAZIL: Implementation of Madrid Protocol and recent patent developments
23/4/2019 - ARGENTINA, BRAZIL and MEXICO: IP News March- April 2019
13/3/2019 - SPAIN: Entry into force of Law 1/2019, of February 20, on Trade Secrets
7/3/2019 - SPAIN, EU and LATAM: Main legislative IP developments 2018/19
21/12/2018 - SPAIN: Amendments to the current Trademark Law
4/10/2018 - MEXICO: Summary of recent amendments regarding trademark applications.
18/4/2018 - SPAIN, EU and LATAM: IP Developments in Spain, EU and LATAM 2017/18
9/2/2018 - ARGENTINA: New Government Decree that modifies the prosecution of trademarks, patents and designs.
4/12/2017 - INDONESIA and THAILAND: Join Madrid Protocol.
10/10/2017 - BRAZIL: Addressing main challenges in patent prosecution
1/1/2017 - SPAIN and LATIN AMERICA: Year in Review - Perspectives for 2017 Spain and Latin America
1/8/2017 - ARGENTINA: Increase of official fees
4/5/2017 - JAPAN: PPH programs with Argentina, Brazil and Taiwan.
31/1/2017 - VENEZUELA: Ratification of Upcoming Proceedings
17/10/2016 - NEW ZEALAND: New Zealand divisional filing practice warning.
17/5/2016 - BRAZIL: The Brazilian PTO strengthens its position against ANVISA's issuance of opinions.
14/2/2016 - JAPAN: Lowered fees for trademark registrations and renewals.
16/11/2015 - ALGERIA: Joins the Madrid Protocol.
30/7/2015 - LEBANON: New Requirement for Powers of Attorney.
17/4/2015 - JAPAN: Withdrawal of Notifications of Incompatibility of Certain PCT Rules with National Laws.
Accession to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
Yesterday, June 11, 2024, the Uruguayan Senate unanimously approved the country's accession to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) with the reservation of Chapter II.